About this song
One day when it was time to buy a new tractor for the horse farm, I went tractor shopping. After soending 10 minutes asking important questions about tractors I was interested in, the salesman asked me if I would like to book and appointment FOR MY HUSBAND TO COME TEST DRIVE THE TRACTOR! I was outraged at his assumption that I could not test drive my own damn tractor! I wrote this song as a message to that salesman and all men who assume women cannot farm. It is meant to be a celebration of women farmers everywhere, and I have heard from many women who drive tractors, toss haybales, ride horses and herd cattle that they love this song. It is such a favourite we even had Farm Girl with Attitude hats made – you can find them in my store.
This song was my first song to chart on the Canadian Indie Country Countdown, staying there for the maximum seven weeks thanks to strong support from many fans of the song.
Coveralls and rubber boots are my fashion statement,
Cause for muckin out stalls that just makes sense
The sceptre for this princess is a big sledgehammer
For pounding in the posts to fix the fence
I get my exercise tossin’ hay bales
Usually when it's hot enough to melt
Shovelling manure is very heavy work
But it sure helps keep my figure trim and svelte
Oh I’m a farm girl with attitude
Polished nails, styled hair and makeup too
Don't you dare mistake me for a farmer less than you
Cause I’m a farm girl with attitude
I don't need my hubby to buy this tractor
And don't worry I know how to drive it too
And don't think I'm too small for all the big farm chores
'Cause I handle studs much bigger than you
I can pound it, tie it, rake it, rope it, whatever needs be done
And every day I gallop great big horses just for fun
I'm proud to be a woman, and I am proud to be strong
If ya think I can't farm' cause I'm a girl, honey you got it wrong
Listen very carefully, I gotta message for ya dude
I’m a farm girl with attitude